State Senate Candidate Joe Carr Airs Second ‘Special Election’ Ad


Former State Rep. Joe Carr (R-Lascassas) aired the second installment of a new radio ad campaign for the upcoming special election on January 25th to select the Republican nominee to replace State Senator Jim Tracy (R- Shelbyville), who resigned in November to accept an appointment in the Trump Administration’s USDA.

The overarching messaging of the radio ad campaign focuses on the important and out-of-the-ordinary January election date – as well as emphasizes Carr’s conservative stance on many issues Middle Tennessee voters care about. Topping the list is the repeal of the unpopular gas tax increase, followed by his commitment to stop taxpayer subsidies of tuition for in-state tuition for illegal alien students, a commitment to secure our borders, and to stop any expansion of Obamacare in Tennessee.

“Voters are somewhat surprised that there will be an election in January so we thought we should use some of our air time to explain to voters why they are hearing political campaign ads around Christmas,” Carr said in a statement. “But we also want to make it clear that voters have a very clear choice when it comes to who will actually BE a conservative in the State Senate, not just TALK conservative during the campaign,” adding:

Over the next several weeks ahead of early voting beginning on January 5, I will be sharing how my conservative track record is a clear indication of what voters will get with me as their State Senator. The people in this area are making it clear to me that they are looking for action, not just unfulfilled promises – and I think voters deserve to know that my record is the best way to judge how I will represent them.

The 14th State Senate District includes Moore, Bedford, Marshall, Lincoln and part of Rutherford County. Early voting in the Special Election begins January 5th for the Republican Primary election on January 25th.

Listeners can expect to hear the first round of radio ads six radio stations in the district, beginning Wednesday on WJJM in Lewisburg, WDUC in Lynchburg, WILT and  WZNG in Shelbyville, WGNS in Murfreesboro, and WYTM in Fayetteville.

In addition to the radio spots, voters have also received Carr three targeted mailings into the district.



Radio Ad #002 Script:


“Hey, I know NEXT year is a big election year, but why am I hearing campaign ads in December?”


“Oh, that’s for a SPECIAL ELECTION on January 25. Jim Tracy resigned so we get to elect a NEW Senator. The Republican Primary is January 25th and we can elect conservative Joe Carr to take his place.”


“Joe Carr? Didn’t he carry our district against Lamar Alexander in the Republican Primary in 2014?”


“Yes, and Joe Carr was a conservative State Representative we could count on! We‘ll be able to depend on him as a conservative SENATOR.”


“It’s inconvenient to have an election in January, but putting a true conservative like Joe Carr in the Senate is important enough to get MY attention and MY vote!”


“Hi, I’m Joe Carr, and a January election is inconvenient, but it’s also important. With your help, I’ll vote to REPEAL the gas tax increase; to STOP payments of tuition for illegal aliens; to SECURE our borders and to block sanctuary cities in Tennessee; and to BLOCK expansion of Obamacare. I’m Joe Carr and you can count on me to stand firm for our conservative values every time, and with every vote, in the State Senate.”



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